March 30, 2010

Brighton School House


The Brighton School House philosophy is that “every child matters”. Over the years, the school has built on this philosophy to reach out to every child who steps through its doors. The school believes that learning is a tripartite arrangement between stakeholders whereby the school, the parents and the children work together to achieve the best possible learning experiences and outcomes for each and every child. To ensure frequent communication with parents, a quarterly newsletter is produced to keep parents and the community informed of all the happenings at the school. Managed by a British expatriate, the school’s academic team consists of a mix of expatriate and local Montessori trained teachers and assistants. With this team of able and experienced staff, Brighton School House aims to give each and every child the best possible head start to their education.


Brighton embraces the Montessori teaching and learning pedagogy and is fully equipped with original Montessori equipment. The school also adopts value added learning materials, innovative approaches as well as international best practices. For its English language curriculum for example, the British Jolly Phonics reading and writing schemes are used. In the same vein, songs and rhymes are incorporated into the learning of Mathematics and Bahasa Malaysia to infuse some fun elements into learning activities. In line with the smart teaching concept of a full and varied approach to early years education, Brighton also offers Mandarin,

Swimming, Gymnastics, iClay modelling lessons as well as fun music and movement classes and story time sessions as part of the wider curriculum.

School Activities

The school year is divided into 2 semesters, each having its own thematic project work. The semester will also incorporate a field trip and guest speakers where appropriate. Each year there will also be a sports day and an end-of-year concert which will afford the children an opportunity to display their talents in a stage setting. The school has also adopted a charity – the Make A Wish Foundation, an international charitable organisation helping terminally ill patients. An annual fund raising event is staged at the school premises to raise funds for this very worthy cause. The children are exposed to this social cause through talks given by representatives of the local chapter of the charity and they personally make crafts for sale during the fund raising event.


The school occupies a large bungalow on elevated grounds in Damansara Heights. The extensive external compound and swimming pool provide a very conducive environment for the children to run and play in. In addition, the school has a networked area with computers, a dedicated music room, and a library cum story telling room. The senior preparatory classes occupy the first floor in air-conditioned classrooms. The school is proud to have its own vegetable garden and a very popular pets’ corner.


Age Range

2.5 - 6 yrs

Meals Provided:


Contact Details

80, Jalan Balau

Damansara Heights

50490 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-2093 2267

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